Rainy engagement photos- how to prepare

When the forecast says rain but you have photos scheduled for that day…. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?

Sometimes, you just don’t get the beautiful weather and the bright golden sun. Especially living in Spokane, Washington, that’s just not our reality.

So what are the options?

rainy engagement photos for a couple holding umbrellas running around in the rain

First and foremost, let me assure you that if it’s a monsoon outside and the rain is non-stop pouring, I will always recommend we reschedule. But if the forecast shows cloudy with a sprinkle here and there, we will still go out and create some magical rainy engagement photos.

REMEMBER! We are documenting connection here, the weather and the location are not the main focus. Your attitude and positivity WILL show in your pictures, so don’t let a little rain harsh the vibes.

Is there anything you can do to prepare for rainy engagement photos?

  • Dress for the weather- bring a raincoat or have a backup outfit in the car in case the first one gets soaked through. Also, please note, if you are freezing in the photos, it will show!
  • Incorporate props like umbrellas, blankets, hats. Here is a link for my favorite clear umbrellas!
  • Practice a positive mindset- go with the flow.

In my instagram post with Molly + Lucas, they came to their session in good spirits; they were so present in the moment, they went with the flow and they just had fun.

It’s hard not to have expectations; we all want to have the most perfect photos, but I will always emphasize to embrace the day and remember that we are taking photos to document your life just as it is on this exact day! Rain and crazy weather included.

Be like Molly and Lucas, enjoy spending time with your person and just have fun.

Click here to book YOUR engagement photos



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